What makes our guard training at XA different?

November 25, 2024

At XA, we do security differently. We are not tactical guards. We focus on de-escalation techniques, approaching every situation with openness and thoughtfulness. We also take pride in offering security guard training in Calgary and Edmonton that go above and beyond the standard. Curious about what sets our training apart from the rest? Read on. 

In-person and personalized training

Beyond the essential skills, knowledge, and certifications like First Aid, XA Training focuses on in-house, in-person training. People have different learning styles, and we believe in learning by doing. Our training involves acting out scenarios, asking questions in the moment, and diving into the nuances of our work. For every issue that needs a security response, there are ninety-nine that need a human response. And we empower our team members to actively contribute in enhancing our human-centred services.

Critical thinking and problem-solving skills

Our trainings are designed to be robust, exposing our guards to a range of real-world experiences. We focus on building critical thinking skills and honing the ability to make strategic and smart decisions. We’re selective with the courses that we deliver online, as we believe that hands-on, practical face-to-face sessions are the most effective way to convey our message and ensure understanding.

We want our guards to understand the job, be enthusiastic about it, and be fully capable. Security is not a rule-enforcing industry; it's a situation management industry. Situations are rarely black and white, and we focus on developing good decision-makers who can think critically. We prioritize making smart judgment calls and determining when to enforce rules based on the unique circumstances at hand.

Specialized and ongoing

Our training continues even after the initial onboarding and Alberta Basic Security Guard Training Course. We provide specialized training to improve our guards’ skills over time. As the industry evolves, so do we. We don’t just rely on what was done in the past. Learning from others, we lead the way, always exploring ways to raise the bar and do better.