Nearly 20 years later, we are XA Security.
In 2016, the company re-branded to XA Security. We wanted to focus on who we are, rather than what we do. So after some amazing discussions about what makes us tick, we realized that what we love to do most is be helpful and facilitate great experiences for people. So we became XA - short for Experience Ambassadors.
Today, we extract the most professional and personal satisfaction out of making someone's day better. We just don't buy into the idea that security somehow must be synonymous with tough. We believe security should be synonymous with smart. We are here to support our public safety partners by being proactive, observant, and taking great notes. We celebrate how many non-physical de-escalation interactions we achieved in a shift.
Whether we are working in loss prevention, retail, construction, office, night patrol, or stage front at a show...
We excel because we know that for every one issue that needs a security response, there are ninety-nine that need a human response.
It's this awareness that is our difference.